I originally started reading the Phillip K. Dick comic because I am super fond of Dick's sci fi work and Blade Runner is my favorite movie because the way it looks at the human condition. It was not what I was expecting at all actually, I never realized that Phillip K. Dick was influenced by such a strong sense of interesting psychosis concerning Christianity. The comic itself was a little bit dry since it was literally an interview that was illustrated to show what Dick went thru. A lot of it was very stiffly drawn in static poses, but the words kept me very interested because of the subject matter. The images were very stark and I think it really worked with the biblical undertones to create a surreal reality. I do think the drawings did get across the ideas that Dick was trying to portray. And I don't think that I would have understood what Dick felt without the comic as well. It was such a visual story that it almost needed to give you a picture to look at, and it was interesting to see Crumb's take on it.
I adored Girl Fight Comics because it was super girl power with a lot of sass. In general, this comic reminded me of the pulp fiction novels. Lot's of sex, violence, and action. In the first comic I read things were just happening so fast I was left spinning. Fox wakes up and kills a man she slept with disrespects her so she stabs him. And that's just on the first page. Then she meets a women army that apparently inform her that she has lost her memories and she's from Africa. And then sex randomly happens and it's back to Africa, where she bumps her head and loses her memories again. And she ends up saving her father's tribe. It's so bad that it's good. And I mean, this comic was made for men. Any excuse for a Tarzan-esque bikini or that Amazonian queen who was wearing some sort of bathing suit with the boob part cut out. I enjoyed it because it didn't degrade women. Although there was rape and it was still a man's world, women were portrayed with strong characters. And in lack of a better phrase, they kicked ass. I kind of even felt bad for some of the men as I was reading because they kept being beat up. And the one man that didn't get beat up, the poor guy inside the tomb, he unfortunately disintegrated, which is probably just as well because he was going to get raped probably in a few minutes. All the rest of the men were liars, cheats, and most of them ended up black and blue if not stabbed.
It reminded me a lot of pulp fiction novels of the time. There was no time wasted in this comic and there was always something happening in a BAM-BAM-BAM sort of way. There was no down time. Everything was very harsh and surprising.
I read Tits and Clits because I felt like because this title was kind of awesome. I mean, there was the Bosomic Woman with huge tits and she defeated a man with her silver disco outfit. If that doesn't cry '70s and David Bowie I don't know what did. This comic was just so entertaining I kept dying laughing and I'm pretty sure my roommate thought I was possessed. I mean, his muscles blinded her. WHY DON'T COMICS TODAY HAVE THAT? It was so beautiful. Most of Tits and Clits kind of looked like it was drawn by a drunk third grader. Some of it was just kind of weird, like the one of Jehana and this guy wanted to have his way with her so I created an imp to befriend her. And then the imp and her started to have sex, but then Jehana realized it was an imp. Next thing you know the imp burst into flames. The End. I was like, wait that's it? Ok then. And some of it was pure sex like the woman and the amphibian man. But the stories were very charming and very cheeky.
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